The Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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LW I 3 CONN NEWS AMHERST May Sign Up for oreign Student high of 100 PRIZES ON '0 Judith Hankinson HADLEY Wins Scholarship a Teachers to Be Senior Leaders Holsman Head Of oundation SUIELD to use the STORE TO OPEN She plans to a Mrs BELCHERTOWN WARREN wa and Stafford 4 Club 6 St down to Stock Ave up the start rummage sale Catholic Worn Pine Room of high audi a than 1958 Me Rev co presldent Leaders Ara to be plans Navy Mrs here good area UM Dawn Ct! a of of of as Tune Tim Heaitter Tune Time Cty Edition Newt News Cnmpue News Concert Bwlne 8 win or Maroh avor ar ar ar Mart Stafford Springs April Bor ough Police Chief William Silk of Center St whochas been on sick leave for nearly two years will resume his duties as head df the Department on Monday Chief Silk suffered a fractured skull in an automobile accident in July of 1955 while en route to Jacksonville la to apprehend a man held there in connection with a local nonsupport case and has been under a physieiansare since that time Stanley Jacewicz who has been acting Police Chief during Chief absence has been appointed to a newly created position as sistant chief by the Gpurt of Bur gesses at a special meeting this week Officers Joseph Young and Robert Beaulie will continue as night patrolmen home time New Timetable County Mm New Shelb alla DerflM NorthtleM New Turners aHa Directs Armed orces Day Event of Community air ISH CATCHING SAT MORNING Less for the The local re those of pre Clothing Revue the North MAJ COEN IS PARADE HEAD ily or who would like additional information concerning the AS international scholarships should contact William ield chair man of the home selection com mittee Inquiries may also be directed to the members of this committee Mrs Elizabeth Cadigan Mrs Newotn Keon Mrs Otto Pflanze Raymond edje An Amherst student school age will be eligible to live with a foreign family during the summer following this first phase of the AS exchange program The method and selection of this Amherst High School student will be announced later Miss wall be the ac charged with fB Senior Class Capital 'rip Ijiext Week End Stafford Springs Conn April 17 Senior class of Staf ford High School will leave next Thursday morning on their annual trip to Washing ton It will return Sunday April 27 Chaperoning the class will be Principal Arnold Mrs Earl Matteson Miss Rooney Miss Audrey Bliss William McWha Aige Mitkus and John Moriarty Amherst April The Am herst American ield Service Committee is accepting inquiries or applications from families who may wish to be host to the teen age foreign students who will live here during the next school year The recipient of the AS in ternational scholarship will live with a single family throughout his 10 month stay here He will complete his senior year of high school while living witlj his host family on the same basis as the other children in the home shar ing equally in the pleasures and responsibilities of the household Local families who may wish to be considered as the host fam for Yon wewi Sinr Newi Sinj? News Sinjf I Weather News for class night exercises in sports she was capiain cheerleading squad and volleyball basketball and member of the bowling enter State Connecticut Mrs Weaver Mrs Woodside Mrs Brophy Mrs Clapp Mrs John on April 22 the speaker will b5 Rev Albert Baller pastor of the Robbins Memorial Congre gational Church of Greenfield His topic will be sau The PTA will meet Monday night at 8 at the Cold Springs School Program Chairman George Jackson has announced that the speaker will be George Quinn principal of New Salem Academy Mr Quinn will be ac companied by the supervisor and teacher of their new automotive department A question and an swer period will follow Mr talk Mrs Ruby Kosiba Mrs Dora Butler and Mrs John Milner at tended the PTA workshop held at Westover ield Tuesday after noon and evening Borough Police Chief Suffered ractured Skull Almost 2 Years Ago SCHOOLS WILL GO ON ASPARAGUS SCHEDULE Hadley April The School Committee has decided that all schools will start at 9 a in stead of 830 when the asparagus season begins This probably will not be before April 28 but as always depends on th weather Asparagus is fast be coming the major crop here many young people pick during the early morning hours before attending classes The board as its monthly meet ing discussed the roof repairing project for Hopkins Academy and the plan to build a new side walk at Russell School The PTA was granted permission academy gymnasium on May 3 Town Will Soon Have It Yourself Supplier 900 955 1000 New 1005 ood 1100 1105 1200 1205 1210 Awarded Grant' of $100 by Club BELLES STILL BOWLING CHAMPIONS Hadley April 17 Russellettes upset Belles 4 0 last night in the Bowling League but Belles retained their championship by a single point They also took total pinfall with 36333 The final standings Belles 85 23 Russellettes 84 24 Reddys 80 28 Jets 73 35 Rock eites 47 61 Atomics 46 62 Tabbi Cats 45 63 Congos 41 67 Hi Los 30 74 and Riversides 9 99 Lucy Rytuba hit 300 last night Other good scores were turned in by Blanche Walczak Blanche Orrell Millie Borys Ginny Al den Joanne Madenski Sandy Ko lasinski Mary Moriarty and Shir ley Zachazinski The banquet will take place April 22 at 630 at the Gables iu South Deerfield GREENIELD HAMP RADIO PROGRAMS Misses Woods Chilkowitch Named Valedictorian Sa I lutatonan HADLEY BRIES The Hopkins Northampton base I ball game scheduled for riday at Hopkins has been advanced to today Members of the irst Church Pilgrim ellowship will do odd jobs about town on Saturday from 7 to 5 with proceeds going Io World Service Appointments may be made with Mrs red Kent field or Norman Barstow Jr The Water Supply District com missioners have released the names of the three low bidders for laying main on Roosevelt and Stockbridge Sts in North Had ley Puffer of Amherst $10005 50 days Ondricki of Chicopee $10285 90 days and Construction Co of Hadley $10 320 60 days All are taken under advisem*nt Party for New Members Will Be Held Tonight Serenade Serenade Neva Runwida 600 New 505 Music 530 News MUSJO Weather Commentary News County New Weather Lean Back SpotHkMt ulton Lewla Time 73R avorttee 800 830 835 900 a ak 915 930 935 1000 1005 1030 1035 CANCER CRUSADE MRS ANDREW SEARS JR Belchertown April A Night Cancer will be held in Belchertown on April 29 under the general chairmanship of Mrs Andrew Sears Jr it was announced today from the office of the Massachusetts Division of the American Cancer Society A group of captains and crusad ers are now being organized by Mrs Sears to canvass the town on that night and receive funds to help combat cancer Suffield April A new Lum berjack Store to be housed in the shopping center on Depot St now under construction and to be known as oodtown will be opened for business about June 1 according to an announce ment by Richard Tambussi secretary treasurer of the Wind sor Iocks Lumber Co Lumberjack stores were organ ized by the Windsor Locks cor poration last year with the first store opening in the Plaza Shop ping Center in Thompsonville These stores are self contained lumber hardware paint and build ing material supply stores The organization of the Lumber jack method is aimed at the it buyer and the week end handyman Experienced con sultants will be on hgnd to advise patrons on types of 'paint build ing materials and lumber The company will also service major builders and painting contractors This Lumberjack program is a relatively new method of hard ware and lumber programming said Tambussi The new store will also handle lawn and garden equipment power tools and a line of it projects The opening of this new store will mark the fourth such opening in the Central Northern Connect icut area Other Lumberjack stores sponsored by the Windsor Locks Lumber Co are located in Windsor Thompsonville Windsor Locks Kids bp to 16 Compete at Hyde Park Under Sports Sponsorship 635 t55 655 600 610 625 630 645 700 715 730 GOT HOME Greenfield April Michael Chiapputi boilerman fireman the son of Mr and Mrs Joseph Chiapputi of 231 Hope St is scheduled to arrive in Newport I Saturday aboard the escort vessel USS Brough after seven months on reeze in the Antarctic UNION GRANGE HOLDS PANEL ON EDUCATION Belchertown April Union Grange held its regular meeting Tuesday with Worthy Master Jo seph Kempkes presiding The theme of the evening was ucational A panel discus sion on and Ob ligationfe was the program Mrs Henry Renouf introduced the panel members: Prof red erick Cole of the University of Massachusetts moderator Supt of Schools Carl Peterson Mr and Mrs Edison Bresett and Mrs Arthur Henneman Co operation among liomc school and community the im portance of family training in de veloping a sense of responsibility in children acceptane of respon sibilities and understanding and open discussion between parents and children was considered es sential to the strong growth of the character At the business meeting three applications for membership were accepted and these members will go to Amherst Grange tomorrow for first and second degrees It was also voted to purchase 200 baby chicks for the 4 clubs in town Refreshments were served by Mrs rederick Very and Mrs Jo seph Kempkes Sr The next meeting will be held May 5 with Grange members from Holyoke Granby and Ware as guests BELCHERTOWN BRIES A band and choral concert of special merit will be presented by the glee clubs of the grades the high school and the school band tomorrow night at 8 at Lawrence Memorial Hall Mrs Clara Cook music supervisor will direct the choral numbers and Joseph Contino band mas ter will direct the band Margaret Weigel companist Hie three day sponsored by the Club at the of St rancis Church started today at 2 The sale will continue tomorrow from 2 to 9 and will conclude Sat urday wit hhours from 10 a to 5 Mrs Irene Brooks is chairman of this sale At the Double or Nothing Club Mrs Donald Stiles Mrs Thomas Hibbard Mrs Willis Rowell Mrs Arthur Sikes Mrs Edward Gaughan (nd Mrs Louis av reau A misery will be provided for young children The public is invited I CD A HOLDS RECEPTION Stafford Springs April 17 Miss Barbara Woods daughter of Air and Mrs Bernard Woods of Staffordville has been named valedictorian of the graduating class at Stafford High School and Miss Irene Chilko witch daughter of Mr and Mrs Samuel Chilkowitch also of Stafford ville salutatorian Miss Woods is secretary of the senior class member of the History Club uture Teachers Club Dramatic Club National Honor Society and GA having ty held the offices of vice presi dent and secretary She alsQis sports editor of the Torch school yearbook and is now engaged on the class will and prophecy com mittee Active of the played was a club Teachers College of at New Britain Wiss Chilkowitch is and Esplorinc Homblowr ITNToday Music Bill Stern Minto News Music News Mlinto 1100 New 1115 Day I Doo Amherst April 17 Maj James Coen executive officer and as sociate professor of air science of the Air orce ROTC detachment at the University of Massachu setts has accepted the appoint ment as chairman of tne Armed orces Dav parade to be held I May 17 in connection with the tilth annual Greater Amherst Community air Maj Coen was assigned to the University of Massachusetts from theij Philippine Islands where he served as traffic officer at Clark ield for the Pacific Division of the Air Transport He resides on Rocky Hill Rd with his wife and tour children Capt rancis Kavanaugh graduate of the University Massachusetts in the School Engineering and a native Marlboro has been assigned assistant to Maj Coen in making the plans for the parade He is also assigned to the university ROTC A new feature of the fair this year will be a five mile mara thon race Paul ord and Walter Guilds of Springfield have planned 1he course trom Amity North Hadley Rd on bridge Rd to Sunset Amitv St and back to ing point Entrance applications may be obtained from Mr ord There are 33 organizations signed up to take part in the two day affair to be held on the Com mon on May 16 and 17 ST JAMES GUILD South Deerfield April 17 The April meeting of the St James Guild was held at the Village Room Tuesday night with 25 members present Rev Robert Smith of Haydenville was the guest speaker His topic was Rev James Moylan assistant pastor at St James Church was a guest A door prize donated by Mrs John Brunkard was won by Mrs Rich ard Patterson The next meeting will be May 20 Mrs Glen Hughes of Amherst will talk on Refresh The committee includes Airs Edward Warner Mrs James Carey Airs Peter Korpita Airs Johni Nawskon Mrs Philip Patterson 1 Airs Joseph Tozloski Airs Kenneth Williams The door award will be donated by Airs John Yestramski ollowing the business there was social hour with refresh ment served by Airs William Cal lahan Airs Regie Garvey Airs rancis Gorey Airs Roger Kennedy Mrs James Klaes Aliss aiargretta McCann and Ralph Morrissey MRS CLAIRE KARAS NAMED PRESIDENT South Deerfield April Mrs Claire Karas was elected presi dent of the In Betweens of the local Congregational Church at the meeting at the home of Mrs Catherine Wells of Thayer St last night Others elected were vice president Mrs Selma Rose secretary Airs Rota Bennett treasurer Airs Jean Thomas publicity Airs Evelyn Burt There ere 16 members pres ent Airs Alan Kenniston of Tis bury Vineyard for mer member of the society was a guest Mrs Dorothy Butkiew icz read the annual report Airs Barbara Newell the annual report In the absence of Mrs Ann Steinert community calendar chairman Mrs Wells reported the project a financial success Committees for the coming year were named as follows: pro gram Airs Ann Rose Mrs June Rosenthal Airs Norma Stedman Mrs Merilyn Hubbard and Alu riel Marcoullier sunshine Airs! Hazel Stafford and Airs Phyllis Legac a Alembers voted to give the jan itor at the parish house $10 in appreciation of his services dur ing the year Members voted to purchase 26 new hymnals for the church The members will serve the Brotherhood Ladies night supper at the parish house May 1 The committee is Mrs Evelyn Burtt Airs Catherine Wells Airs Dorothy Butkiewicz Airs June Rosenthal Airs Phyllis Legac and Airs Claire Karas Mrs Evelyn Mono will be in charge of the dining room and will be assisted by Mrs Nancy Olszew ski and Airs Doris Denesha The clean up committee is Airs Ann Steinert Mrs Estelle Allis Airs Rita Bennett Airs Muriel Marcoullier and Mrs Barbara Newell Several of the members will assist with the Ladies Aid So ciety food sale to be held April 25 at a time and place to be announced Members voted to have secret pals next year and names will be drawn at the next meeting which will be the annual ban quet at the Log Cabin in East hampton A social hour followed the meeting and refreshments were served by Airs Wells Mrs Jean Mrs June Rosenthal and Mrs Josephine Ashenden SOUTH DEERIELD BRIE'S Mrs Sterline Nelson Mrs Herbert Graves Mrs Elwood Vaughn Mrs Charles Dodge Mrs Clinton Bridges and Mrs George Roche members of the Ladies Aid Society of the local Congregational Church attended the ranklin County Congrega tional meeting at the Montague Center Congregational Church yesterday Police Chief James Rosenthal has announced that because of the good weather the all night parkins ban has been lifted The Thomas Ashley Amer ican Legion Auxiliary will spon sor a public card party at the post rooms tonight at 8 There will be prizes and refreshments 'Kie committee is Airs Helen inkowski Mrs Myrtle Noska Mrs Sophie Buczynski and Jessie Pisarczyk Local schools win eiose riday for the annual spring recess and will reopen the 28th Pfc Conrad Valeski stationed at Pirmasenil Germany and his brother Stanley Valeski who is employed by the Bendix Co in Amherst April 17 Wayne Hols man of Pelham a junior at Am herst Collge was recently elect ed as president of the Wesley oundation the Methodist stu dent program for Methodist col lege students John Parker of North Amherst was elected vice president Oth er officers elected were: Secre tary jSue Nichols University of Massachusetts of Georgetown treasurer David Brown Univer sity of Massachusetts of Lunen burg worship area chairman Lynda Hird Smith College of Claremont recreation area chairman Robert Siegel Am herst College of Nutley deputations area Rod ney Goulding UM of Worcester: outreach area chairman Jon Os UM of JUeverett publicity chairman Arlene Killam of Bedford newspapers Emerson UM of Groveton yearbook Rover Wil liams UM of Wollaston supper area chairman Linda Stoker UAI of Wollaston house man agement area chairman Lee oster UM of Athol and mem bership area chairman Donald Gagnon UM of Pepperell Constitutional changes were also made to provide for an or ganization of the foundation whereby the entire group will be divided into eight fellowship groupjf Group leaders are: Rol ert Sweet UAL of West Upton Richard Shepler UM of Lynn Robert ishel UAI of Leverett James Young UAI of Chatham Gail Osbaldeston UM of See konk Charles Gelchell UAI of Merrimac Ruth Campbell UM of Merrimac Ruth UM of Reading and Ernesto Bel tram UAI of Amherst Representing lhe four colleges that comprise the Wesley ounda tion are Mansfield Neal of Am herst College Washington Delores Duemk of Mount yoke College David Poland UM of Wollaston and a representative of Smith College to be elected later LINT NAMED TO MEMORIAL DAY COM Amherst April Town Man ager Allen Torrey today ap pointed Aldis lint of Pelham Rd as a member of the Memorial Day committee The Planning Board met last night with representatives of Homes Inc and discussed the proposed development of Jef fery Alanor off of South Pleasant St Reuben Pomeroy whose land is in this ara also attended and discussed the use of his prop erty as a housing development Henry Toole the tree warden will hold a public hearing in the Town Hall tomorrow at 11 on the removal of six trees on Gray St Und four on High St Preparations are being made Tor the recon struction of those streets in ac cordance with the vote at 1he an nual town meeting and several of these trees are considered in poor shape AMHERST BRIES The annual Rotary Ann Night will lie held tonight at the Lord Jeffery fnn Dinner wijl begin at 7 The entertainment will be given by Aliss Molly Scott a student at Smith College who plays the guitar and sings folk songs There will also be music by an Amherst College singing group Kelhoochun Counicl Degree of Pocahontas will meet Tuesday II ft PT1 Unit Airs Lena RmAV 235 XOQ 305 400 405 Mi of the History Clubs secretary and president or rne jqiA at treasurer of the Dramatic Club member of tK) uture Teachers of AmericatX 'member of the school newspaper The Magnet high school correspondent for the Parade of Youth magazine sec tion cheerleader for two intramural basketball and V'olleyball two years: member of the Bowling Club CYO and dele gate last year to Laurel Girls State at University of Connecti cut She also plans to enter New Britain Teachers College BINGO APRIL 26 Somersville April? Catholic Daughters Courf All Saints will sponsor a bino party in the church auditorium Saturday nigiit the 26th starting at 8 The merchants of Somers Somers ville Scitico and Hazardville have been very generous in their dona tions and many lovely prizes will be given Mrs Blaine Burns is general chairman in charge Airs Bema cine DeCaro cochairman bingo arrangements Airs Stella Krzys Mrs? Elaine Hunt Mrs Helen Clark Mrs Schleinhege Mrs Genevieve Kozikowski tick ets Mrs Vivian Bourgeois Airs Inez Leroux Airs Ada Krasinski Miss Lorraine Cormier Mrs Alary Krasinski ticket distribu tion Mrs Alvina Burgess Mrs Bernadine DeCaro Airs Ionise LeBlanc Mrs Teddy Cormier poster Airs Catherine Butkus gift soliciting Mrs Kay Dressel Mrs Henrietta Monstello Airs Kay Often Mrs Beverly Wein gartner Mrs Margaret Lavell Mrs Alvina Burgess SOMERS BRIES Somers April 17 two weeks remain Cancer und Drive turns do not equal vious years If you have not al ready made a contribution please send it as soon as possibly to Cancer und Drive Somers ville Conn night in Wednesday nieht Nightengale will conduct a pub lic military hist party in Red Hall for the benefit of the council Air and Mrs Harold Griffith of Concord have been visiting friends in Pelham and here Mr Griffith is a for mer resident A WHAL GHEVnKtD 1240 KO 54? nrra Hour 665 T00 Tlr'etabia 725 Weather 735 745 800 815 830 845 9001S 930 Revue 1000 News 1005 ood Show 1030 News Parade 1055 Stork Club 1100 Kewn 1105 Devotions Muaue Time rsewn Qtiea Show Oao Showcase Dlrrt MISS NICHOLS WILL BE WED ON SATURDAY Amherst April The wed ding of Aliss rances Elaine Nich ols daughter of Air and Mrs Samuel Nichols of Amherst Rd West Pelham and Robert Al fred imbel son of Alfred imbel of 28 Cochran St Chicopee alls and the late Airs imbel will take place Saturday at 10 in St Church Mrs Barbara Degas of Hadley will be the matron of honor and bridesmaids will be Miss Marion Hobart of North Amherst Aliss Barbara Hunt of Pelham and Miss ATarilyn McNamara of West Springfield a cousin of the bride groom Leonard Nichols of this town will be best man and ushers ill be Kenneth Denno of Had ley Raymond Dumas of airview and Richard Hottin of Chicopee alls The wedding breakfast will be served at the bride's home and the reSeption will be held at the Quonset Club STAORD BRIES Three members of the School band who rorentlv Honed to participate in the All State Band concert next fall have been accepted John Gworek band director has announced the following students will take part in the concert Linda DeTora and Nancy Schwanda both members of the freshmen class and clari net players and Kenneth Piper 'a trumpet player The trio will attend a rehearsal finext month and another in Oc x'tober before the concert Stafford High School baseball team will plav Plainfield High squad at Plainfield riday after noon in the first game in the Quinebaug Valley League The local blue and white lost its first opening game of the season this week 2 1 to Pomfert School at Pomfret The SHS squad will play its first home game of the season next Tuesday afternoon with Tourtellotte High of North Grosvenordale here Reports of the state Tax De partment of the accounts of the borough for the fiscal year end ing June 30 1957 have been re ceived and may be inspected by application to Morgan Eaton borough treasurer A rummage sale will be con i' ducted by members of St Ed ward Women's Guild Saturday from 9 to I in St Hall Residents having articles to do nate are asked to take tiiem to the hall WSCS of the irst Methodist Church will meet tonight at 730 at the parsonage Program committee of the Staf ford Teen Center will meet to night at 7 at Warren Alemorial Hail inal plans ior the teen talent show to be held Saturday night will be made Parish Aid Society of Grace Church will sponsor a food sale riday afternoon at 2 at Shoe store Airs Lynwood Smith and Mrs Reno Tonoli are co chairmen and will be assisted by Airs Richard Keith and Mrs Thomas Polios On sale will be bomebaked beans bread rolls doughnuts pies cakes and cooKies Among the members io participate in the ounrv Saturday night at Coventry Grammar School will be Alary Jane Adams who will model 'a tailored outfit Nancy Adams is a member of the com mittee advertising selling cam paign for the Tolland County air Association premium book Somersville April A Recep tion for new members in Court All Saints Catholic Daughters of America will be held tonight at 8 in the auditorium of the church Miss Catherine Costello district deputy and the court officers will conduct the ritual at the recep tion i Alembers of the re freshments are: Mrs Marguerite I Liid nidii jvirjs iar garet Murphy co chairman Mrs Genevieve Kozikowski Mrs Susie Schleinbege Mrs Genevieve He bert Airs Nellie Zuraw and Airs Bertha Labrecue 1245 Txxial Nw 1250 a 100 News 110 lust for Yok 205 300 3 05 400 405 500 505 555 Ron 615 Dinner Muie rwews 705 Sports 715 730 Campus 730 Campus 800 News woo 905 1000 1005 11 00 Amherst April 17 Miss Eliz abeth Ruggles chairman of the Scholarship Committee an nounced today that Miss Judith Hankinson a senior at Amherst Regional High School has been awarded the "annual scholarship of $100 from the Club Miss Hankinson is the daughter of Air and Mrs Hankinson of Amherst Rd Leverett She was born in Bellefonte Pa and has attended schools in Texas and New Jersey as well as Am herst High School where she has been active in the Drama Club and she enjoys sports She is employed at Hastings Store here after school hours It is her am bition to become a teacher of mathematics and she plans to enter either the University of ATassachusetts or Michigan State Lpiversity of which her parents are graduates The members of the American home section and their gues will meet at the 'clubhouse at 1 I16 23d for transportation to Old Deerfield where they will visit some of the buildings in that area which have been restored They will have tea at Old Deer field Inn Any member of the club interested in this trip should contact Airs Paul Procopio by tomorrow if they have not already made reservations They are the sons of Air and Airs Stanley Valeski of Con way St Airs Alice Aforrissey town clerk has announced that the se lectmen have drawn the following as jurrors to the May sitting of Superior Court in Greenfield To bias Alullen of Deerfield mechan ic and Dana Randall of Deer field welder The annual election of officers and the business meeting of the Club will be Wednesday at 730 at the Gables The nominating committee compris ing Mrs Sterling Nelson Mrs Ernest Hamilton and Airs Arthur Olson will bring in a slate of of ficers The program will be in charge of Mrs George Bell Sr Airs Ralph Hosley Mrs Wil liam Callahan Mrs Leslie Grom acki and Mrs John AlcNemey Local volunteers will conduct a house to house canvass for the Cancer Crusade April 29 from 6 to 8 High school students who are taking part in the can vass may pick up their kits at the office of Charles Thompson guid ance director at the rontier Re gional School UNITARIANPARISH ELECTS OICERS South Deerfield April At the annual meeting of the Unitar ian parish in Deerfield Mrs Car los Allen served as moderator The warrant was read by Miss Rachel Hawks clerk Elections were as follows: treasurer Har ry Al Brown secretary Miss Hawks auditors Paul Hawks and Miss Mabel Brown execu tive committee members Miss Harriet Childs Atty Philip Ball Jr and Airs Harry Brown the latter to succeed Airs Donald Johnson who will be leaving Deerfield this summer to make her home in Maryland Mrs Kelsey lower was elected to fill the unexpired term of the late Henry Wells as trustees Other trustees are Carlos Allen and Aliss Alary Wells Aliss Mabie Brown and Miss Gladys Brown were appointed to serve as delegates at the annual May meetings of the American Unitarian Association in Boston nal Winners will be announced by June 1 All entries become the property of the Western Mas sachusetts Co Erftries should be sent to this company 73 State St Spring field in charge of Charles Chunglo farm and rural sales consultant WILL GREET NEW MEMBERS Amherst April 17 The annual meeting of the Woman's Club will be held on Monday at 3 at the clubhouse At the close of the meeting there will be a re ception and tea for the 38 new members welcomed into the club since October 1 1957 The new members are Mrs Lyle Blundell Mrs Hans Duus Mrs Robert Hawley Mrs Vernon Helming Mrs John Hills Airs Andrew Longyear Mrs Walter Ritchie Mrs Norman Cournoyer Mrs William Davenport Mrs Anna Hubbard Mrs Curtis A Johnson Mrs William Mar den Airs Robert Miller Mrs Roetter Aliss Ida Scheib Gilbert Gerald Sheldon Cobbs Airs Thomas A Kiriey Airs Wendell Ditmer Mrs Alaunce Conon Mrs Kirshen Mrs Donald May nard Mrs William McGrath Mrs Richard Thompson Mrs Robert Hosford Mrs Clar ence Shute Airs Philip A Sin gleton Airs Caryl Dempsey Miss Katherine Linehan Mrs Harold Smith Miss Elvera Van Sciver Mrs Edward A Buck Mrs Merle Howes Ms Ohlwiler and Mrs Sid ney Vaughan SOUTH DEERIELD THE SPRINGIELD DAILY NEWS SPRINGIELD MASS THURSDAY APRIL 17 1958 WEST WARREN DRIVER ILED ON CHARGES East Brookfield April Ed ward Orluk 36 of 23 River SI west Warren drunkenness and with operating wniie under tne influence found not guilty qn both charges by District Court Judge Howard Boulton yesterday Orluk whose case had been continued since January was ar rested Jan 16 by Sgt Steven A Obartuck of the Brookfield State Police barracks INAL UNIT SESSIONS ARRANGED BY LEAGUE Amherst April The activi ties of the League of Women Vot ers on Beacon Hill this year will be reviewed in the final unit meet ings of the local league on lhe 22d and 24th Action taken in support and opposition on various bills before the Legislature will be discussed Alembers will learn how the consensus following lo cal league studies is translated into action by the state board in its support or opposition to specif ic bills in the General Court The legislation chairman Mrs John oster has prepared the material for these last unit meet ings of the year Co operating with her have been Irs Arnold Trehub chairman of the educa tion committee Mrs Henry Korson chairman of the social welfare committee and Airs Colston Warne chairman of the economic affairs committee Two unit meetings instead of the usual three meetings are planned They are scheduled as follows: Tuesday 10 a host ess Mrs Korson 55sPoke berry Ridge Thursday at 8 hostesses Mrs Joel Gor don anj Airs Herbert Rechlin Merrill House Merrill Ct Am herst College ESSAY CONTEST IS ANNOUNCED Amherst April 17 Stanley Pickering master of Amherst Grange has received notice that the Western Alassachusetts Electric Co is sponsoring a farm science essay contest entitled This contest is open to young people between 14 and 21 in the Western Massachu setts countries The Western Massachusetts Electric Co has the co operation of rural and farm leaders in the area in order to stimulate encour age and recognize new ideas and methods which may help develop a sound agricultural economy locally through research and spe cial studies contestant must live in Berkshire ranklin Hampden or Hampshire County The essay is restricted to 500 words or less The new crop or livestock product discussed in the essay must be able to be pro duced in Western Alassachusetts The new marketing method dis cussed in the essay can be ap plied to either the present crops and livestock being produced in Western Massachusetts or to a suggested new crop or livestock product The entries must be postmarked not later than Mav 15 The judges decisions are Prum Germany spent Easter tx Roll of Honor for Junior Senior High Somersville April 17 Twelve students of the 7th 8th 9th and 10ih grades of the Somersville Junior Senior High School received high honors for the third marking period which ended April 1 They are: Grade 10 Aleyer Sandra Cowles and Aliriam Bliss Grade 9 Peter Stevenson Grade 8 rank Engleman Sheila Monstello Richard Percoski Carolyn Kozikowski Sharon Legere Norma Supina and Karen Taylor Qrade 7 rank Palm Twenty six students re ceived general honors They are: Grade 10 Clifton Red mond Patricia Koch Alarilyn Lague and Charlotte Le Blanc Grade 9 Janice Cro chetiere Jane Gorman Rob ert Sheriffs and 'Kenneth Waitermire: tirade 8 Evelyn Redmond William Hennequin Alarianne Claremont Paula Betters Myrtle Bodry Alice Collins Walter Beavis Mancha 'Haas Ronald Hardy Jeffrey Robert Gradp 7 Janet Beardslee Phyllis Claremont Patrick Gorman Normand Keeney Nancy Lague Bar bara Pelkey Phillip Rosch and Bonnie Walz 1115 1136 120) 1206 1226 12 311 1240 Musio 100 115 130 135 145 230 WUMP NORTHAMPTON 1444 KO RIDAY oir rsacrea Heart 415 Dawn Patrol 630 New 835 Dawn Patrol 665 Weather 700 New T10 Dawn Tatrol 725 730 Weather 735 Dawn Pitrot 755 Weather 300 Newe 815 Dawn Patrol 830 News 835 Dawn Patrol 855 900 915 'Pgn XNeWI Rhivw Ringo JEaay Amh Weather Daey LirtefcBr SUIEW BRIES The Budget Box sponsored by the Bridge St School PTO will be open on riday of this week from 10 a to 330 Cof fee and doughnuts will be served from 10 to 1 The Budget Box will be closed next week dur ing the school vacation and will resume its regular schedule of hours 130 to 330 onSTues day the 29th April pack meeting for Cub Pack 209 will be held at 715 Thursday jn the ellow ship Hall of the irst Church of Christ Congregational Couples Club of Calvary Episco pal Church will meet at the rec tory at 8 on riday Richard Salibury has present ed the Kent Alemorial Library with an gift of several volumes of postcards picturing vacation spots in Europe and many pictures of reigning mon archs of former eras Mrs George Samuel of Hill St has been named chairman for the Suffield Windsor Docks and Thompsonville area for the Chil Service of Connecticut sev enth annual horse show which will be held at the armington Polo ield on May 16 17 and 18 Mrs Samuel a member of the SuTfield Auxiliary of the Serv ices has chosen the following committee chairmen from the Suf field group: Advertising Mrs rancis Trotter trophies Mrs Sumner Bissell: tickets Airs Spencer Montgomery Jr host esses Mrs Gordon Tompkins raffles Airs William Brewster A is party will be sponsored by 1he Auxil iary of Boy Scout Troop 160 at 1230 Tuesday in the vestry of the Second Baptist Church Door prizes will be awarded I Tickets may be obtained from any I member of the committee' Mrs John Godfrey is chairman assist ed by Mrs rancis Quagliaroli STAORD SPRINGS CHIE SILK TO RESUME POST 4 NEXT MONDAY 100 HUNT EGGS Somersville Anril Over hundred children of All Parish searched the church grounds during the recent Easter egg hunt to find the 19 lucky num bered eggs which would earn the prizes The hunt was arranged and sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Council 4303 The fol lowing children were the winners 1st'1 prize Leroy Collins stuffed bunny 2d prize Mary Chamberland stuffed bunny 3d prize Laura Cormier Easter basket 4th Ixuis Putriment large chocolate bunny 5th Mari lee Barszcz 2 pound stuffed egg" Cth Silvia Legere black and white panda 7th Kurt Weingart ner brown and yellow panda 8th Dennis Grey fruit and nut egg Sth Dwan Drodwell brown and yellow dog 10th Carol Krasinski 11th Rosemary DeCaro 12th Ei leen Chicklowski 13th Icolina 14th Maryann Chickowski 15th Darleen Krasinski 16th Joe Kar syn 17th Steve Keeney: 18th Roger Belliveau 19th Camille Prizes for the 10th through the '18th were sundaes given by Ice Cream Bar The Dog House and Somers Drug Store The 19th was a cash prize given uy an anonymous isnignt RIENDLY BRIDGE Spmersville April The Somersville riendly Bridge Clulf met yesterday afternoon with Airs George 'AlcAuley Airs Mar shall Magee was high scorer and Mrs rancis Wood was sec ond The next meeting will be in two with Airs William Meacham Preece taught catechism at Base Chapel SOMERSVILLE Stafford Springs April Over hundred prizes will be awarded to children taking part in the 8th annual trodt fishing derby to be sponsored by the Stafford ish and Ganiep Club on Saturday morning offening day of the fish ing season at the Hyde Park pond in the rear of the high school Reno rancini general chair man reports that the derby this year will begin at 9 a instead of 8 as in previous yeai Alore than 300 trout will be placed in the pond before the opening derby 6" The derby is for youngsters rup to 16 and any children caught fishing at the pond before 9 a Saturday will be disqualified BACK ROM JAPAN Stafford Springs April 17 Airman lc and Airs Norman A Preece Jr and infant son Thomas son in law and daughter of Mrs Esther Buxton of Stafford Hollow have arrived on the West Coast after two Veers in Japan and will arrive herd to visit with her mother (j Mrs Preece is the' former Alice Buxton daughter of Mrs Buxton The couple arrived at Parks AB Cal Tuesday night from Yokota where he has been stationed with a supply squad three years The couple was married two years ago at the Chapel in Yokota He win report to Aandrews Md after a leave and is discharged in August He to re enlist He is also a veteran of four years: Preece plans to remain with her mother until after her husband is reassigned in August While in the ar East Mrs the.

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.