Adult Dating For Women and Couples, experience organic orgasmic adult dating, join free. As a member of the Ptolemaic dynasty, she was a descendant of its founder Ptolemy I Soter, a Macedonian Greek general and companion of Alexander the Great. After the death of Cleopatra, Egypt became a province of the Roman Empire, marking the end of the second to last Hellenistic state and the age that had lasted since the reign of Alexander.
'I am proud to bring together Leading Ladies Of…Defense to givewomen an opportunity to develop the skills and the network neededto build a successful career,' said Leading Ladies Of… founderFiona McKay. 'The defense industryis in desperate need of more female voices and perspectives. Thisevent promises to help inspire women to achieve our goal of genderparity in the defense and global security industries.'
With hundreds of women and male allies already signed up toparticipate, the event seeks to help participants break into theindustry and expand their professional network while advancingwomen currently supporting defense organizations.
Angela Ambrose, GM Defense's VicePresident of Government Affairs and Communications and interim VicePresident of Busines Development, will deliver the keynote address,which will focus on recognizing one's unique value proposition andthe importance of being an authentic leader.
'During my nearly two decades in government and defense, Ishaped my value proposition and found my authentic voice,' saidAmbrose. 'By sharing my personal journey, I want to encourage womenand men alike to have the confidence to realize what makes themtruly unique. I'm passionate about this topic and excited to sharemy perspective with the Leading Ladies Of… movement.'
Additional speakers include representatives from Raytheon,Northrop Grumman and BAE Systems, plus:
- Insitu Chief Executive Officer MeganDavies
- Aerojet Rocketdyne Chief Operations Officer Amy Gowder
- Airbus Defense and Space Chief Technology Officer and Head ofEngineering Sabine Klauke
- Meggitt Chief Technology Officer Martine Gagné
- Retired U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Olga Custodio
Leading Ladies Of...Defense Virtual Summit comes off the heelsof another successful first annual virtual event, Leading LadiesOf…Aerospace, held in the fall of last year.
For more information about Leading Ladies of…Defense VirtualSummit, please visit
About Fiona McKay &Leading Ladies Of…
FionaMcKay is a recognized expert in professional andpersonal transformation. A highly sought-after coach, trainer andkeynote speaker, McKay inspires and guides leaders toembrace bravery, boldness, and big change to create theworkplaces and businesses they want, while making a difference forothers.
McKay is also the founder of the Leading Ladies Of…movement,which focuses on breaking the glass ceilings that still exist forwomen. The movement is aimed at connecting women who wantto challenge the status quo, advocate for all workplacediversity and be a role model for others. It was launchedthrough the Leading Ladies Of…Podcast, where Leading Ladies fromaround the globe share their stories of endurance and courage,while providing actionable advice for the women determined to makea dent in gender imbalance.
For more information on FionaMcKay, visit
About PNDC
The Pacific Northwest Defense Coalition(PNDC) is the non-profit business trade association forPacific Northwest defense & security industrybusinesses. PNDC strengthens members by bringing more defense& security contracts to the Pacific Northwest, and bysupporting the supply chain for these companies. By doing this, wehelp create, grow, and diversify business development opportunitiesfor a wide range of regional companies. Our 300+ member companiesrange from large fortune 100 companies to small machine shops thatsupport the supply chain in aerospace, unmanned systems, advancedmanufacturing, tactical equipment, information technology, maritimedefense, homeland security, space exploration, and
For more on Pacific Northwest Defense Coalition, visit
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SOURCE Leading Ladies Of…
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